The secret of success is to understand the point of view of others.
Henri Ford.

Financial strategy

Development of financial strategy includes development of the financial model of the company based on its budget and strategic plans.  Within the framework of financial strategy development we help our clients make the right choice of financial instruments to achieve the strategic goals set, based on our professional experience and network of contacts in financial community.

Decision on selecting the financial instruments depends on the situation on the global financial markets, investment horizon and also on the rates of growth and profitability of the company’s business.  In each particular case we recommend to our client a unique set of financial instruments that best correspond to strategic goals and opportunities.

Stride Consulting offers to its clients the most efficient solutions for attracting various types of corporate financing: direct private equity investment, procuring loan financing and public placement of equity or debt financial instruments.




5/19,Nizhnii Susalnyi lane,
busness quarter "ARMA",
office "Delovoy",
Moscow, 105064, Russia

Tel.: +7 495 249 90 14